Monday, 23 May 2011


Back in March I was in Nerja, Southern Spain prancing around naked with Ella Rose and being photographed by Greg Brown and John Evans, for a whole week.
It was wonderful - Ella is a fantastic person to work with, a genuine, intellingent, charming, interesting and fun lady to be around and totally inspiring! I had a fabulous time modelling with and alongside Ella for the week and truly wish I could go back and do it all again!
John and Greg are also excellent people, both with a wicked sense of humour and immense talent. I feel so flattered that they chose to take me along with them on this trip, I really do. I feel privaledged and very lucky to have been chosen to go and I really hope I showed my gratitude throughout the trip!

We arrived at our Villa on the Sunday afternoon and WOW was it a villa and a half!!! This place has 4 bedrooms (2 doubles, 2 twins), 3 bathrooms and a downstairs loo, a kitchen/diner, living room, what we called the "Great Hall", being a large double height room with about a million chairs and sofas and tables dotted around, various rooms with no obvious purpose, an outside sheltered eating/chilling area, a private swimming pool and beautiful gardens. The guy who owned the villa (and, I believe, the entire hamlet of 12 houses) was apparently a bit of a traveller - the villa was choc a block with wondeful artefacts from all over the world. There were books everywhere, on every surface you can imagine, along with dishes, pots, old teeapots, urns, vases and a fantastic mis of antique and modern furniture in many different styles. You'll see quite a lot of the villa and it's surroundings in the images throughout this (and probably a few further) blog posts, as it held so many fantastic shoot opportunities we would have been insane to miss out!I will make you all jealous with pictures of said villa now...

(I've made them all a small size so as not to take over your computer screen. Plus, the images later are much more interesting! Also, please forgive my terrible phone camera!)
Along with running round being impressed with the accomodation, the scenery was amazing. We were some way up a mountain, surrounded by gorgeous landscape with the sun rising straight into the villa's outdoor area ad setting behind a mountain. 10 minute's drive away was the beach (we'll get to that one later!) and further up the mountains were beautiful little villages and hamlets, mainly whitewashed and terribly pretty.

As I said in my "Sorry" post, I have a wealth of images to share with you.
Therefore this blog post is MASSIVE! Sorry :)

First up, some water! Ella and I share the star sign os Pisces so I thought it'd be nice to start with some water based images.

Copyright John Evans

Copyright John Evans and featuring Ella Rose. This was a disused swimming pool in a cafe we found whilst having lunch!

Copyright Gregory Brown

Copyright Gregory Brown. Here's Ella and the old swimming pool again!
 Next up I have some rocky images for you! I won't lie, the rocks were not comfortable :)

Copyright John Evans. Can you spot me?!

Copyright John Evans.

Copyright John Evans. This was a beautiful location to shoot in, Built in 975 AD by the Visigoths, the ruins were once a fortress. Surprisingly intact!

Copyright Gregory Brown. Yes. It was scary.

Copyright Gregory Brown

Copyright Gregory Brown

Copyright Gregory Brown

That'll be all for today I think. Rather than overload you with pictures from Spain, I'll post them every so often inbetween other subjects. Still got some beautiful classic nude shapes and some fun dressed up shots!

However, if you really can't wait, you can buy the book! It's my very first book, so I was very excited to hear there was going to be one of the trip!
Obviously it features Ella Rose also and Greg and John's photography. It's well worth it!

Go buy it here: (you can buy the smaller and cheaper version here) or click on the pictureto see a preview.

1 comment:

  1. I like that Johns Evans photographer bloke... he takes a good snap and the models were just perfect.



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