Wednesday, 19 September 2012

As promised, my newest publication!

I finally managed to get the scanner to work and produce mostly decent scans of my most recent work with Wedding Magazine, yay! I know I promised to upload them last week but with the scanner not working and then being away in Thailand for a few days (pictures from that holiday very soon!), I only managed to get around to it today.
I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed twirling around in fabulous dresses! Click on the images to make them larger and try to ignore the dodgy scanning on some of them ;)

Gown: Amelia Wedding

Left page: Amelia Wedding, hairpiece by Fresh One Beauty. Right page: Gown by Elysian Bridal Couture

Left page: Gown by Amelia Wedding, hairpiece by Fresh One Beauty. Right page: Gown by Elysian Bridal Couture 

Left page: Gown by Elysian Bridal Couture, hairpiece by Fresh One Beauty. Right page: Gown by Amelia Wedding
All images were beautifully captured by Chung Shum, styled by Onion C and the hair and makeup was created by Helen Zee@Fresh One Beauty. The backdrop was provided by JNC Wedding Decoration Gowns were supplied by Amelia Wedding and Elysian Bridal Couture <3

I'm spending the rest of today going through my holiday photos from Thailand and pictures from my Mum and Step-Dad's visit last week as well as packing for my 2 week trip back to the U.K. I'll be glad when all this travelling is over; I've been on the go for almost a month straight now. As much as I love being in new places and seeing people, sometimes all a girl wants is her nightie, a glass of wine and a good film!

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