Friday, 16 December 2011

Latex, Fashion and Big Hair!

Various fashion and news websites were posting about a certain fantastic model named Andrej Pejic yesterday. What was the occasion? This gorgeous male model was used by Dutch retailers Hema to promote their new push-up bra.
Picture linked from the Daily Mirror website - Andrej Pejic modelling Hema's push up bra

Personally, I think it's excellent advertising - not only have they caught the attention of the world by using a male model to advertise their bra, but the images tell you everything you need to know about whether it works or not! How better to prove that the bra really does increase your cupsize by 2 sizes than to put it on someone with completely flat chested!? Check out Andrej's other work here: Andrej's Storm Portfolio.
On another note, whilst searching for Hema's website, I discovered that it does this! How cool!?

As well as perving reading about Andrej's recent campaign, I shot with the wonderfully talented Joe Gascoigne again yesterday, this time with the help of makeup artist Leanne and wardrobe stylist Erica Krasickaite
Joe rather amazingly edited a few of the shots by the next morning and Leanne took a number of backstage/behind the scenes shots with my little camera.

Latex bra - Peccatus Latex Couture, Studded harness by Karolina Laskowska

I think this evening I'm going to settle down in front of the TV with a face pack and a giant mug of Chai Latte and relax <3


  1. Stunning!! Some of your best work yet. Love the last shot!

  2. I adore the second to last shot, woweee GORGEOUS PIC!! And that'll look stunning in your printed portfolio too. I love the make-up and styling and the whole look of it, very professional.


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